iCLASS products are compliant
with the following standards:
ISO 15693 - read/write; 2kbits
(256Bytes) and 16kbits (2kBytes)
ISO 14443, Type A - read only;
MIFARE® (serial number)
ISO 14443, Type B2 -
read/write; 16kbits (2kBytes)
- 13.56 MHz Contactless Smart Card
2000 - 2 Kbits with 2 application areas
2001 - 16 Kbits with 2 application areas
2002 - 16 Kbits with 16 application areas
iCLASS Prox Card - 13.56 MHz Contactless Smart Card and 125 kHz HID
Proximity Card
2020 - 2 Kbits with 2 application areas
2021 - 16 Kbits with 2 application areas
2022 - 16 Kbits with 16 application areas
iCLASS embeddable Card and iCLASS
Prox embeddable Card - 13.56 MHz Contactless Smart Card with or without 125
kHz HID Proximity and an Optional Contact Smart Chip Module
Without Proximity
2010 - 2 Kbits with 2 application areas
2011 - 16 Kbits with 2 application areas
2012 - 16 Kbits with 16 application areas
With Proximity
2030 - 2 Kbits with 2 application areas
2031 - 16 Kbits with 2 application areas
2032 - 16 Kbits with 16 application areas
Base Model Numbers: 2050, 2051, and 2052
Molded plastic enclosure provides durability in harsh environments.
Base Model Numbers: 2060, 2061, and 2062