RFID Cards/Tags (13.56 MHz)

125 KHz Cards 13.56 MHz Cards





iCLASS products are compliant with the following standards:

  • ISO 15693 - read/write; 2kbits (256Bytes) and 16kbits (2kBytes)

  • ISO 14443, Type A - read only; MIFARE® (serial number)

  • ISO 14443, Type B2 - read/write; 16kbits (2kBytes)


iCLASS Card - 13.56 MHz Contactless Smart Card
2000 - 2 Kbits with 2 application areas

2001 - 16 Kbits with 2 application areas

2002 - 16 Kbits with 16 application areas

iCLASS Prox Card - 13.56 MHz Contactless Smart Card and 125 kHz HID Proximity Card
2020 - 2 Kbits with 2 application areas
2021 - 16 Kbits with 2 application areas
2022 - 16 Kbits with 16 application areas


iCLASS embeddable Card and iCLASS Prox embeddable Card - 13.56 MHz Contactless Smart Card with or without 125 kHz HID Proximity and an Optional Contact Smart Chip Module

Without Proximity

2010 - 2 Kbits with 2 application areas

2011 - 16 Kbits with 2 application areas

2012 - 16 Kbits with 16 application areas

With Proximity

2030 - 2 Kbits with 2 application areas

2031 - 16 Kbits with 2 application areas

2032 - 16 Kbits with 16 application areas

Base Model Numbers: 2050, 2051, and 2052
Molded plastic enclosure provides durability in harsh environments.

Base Model Numbers: 2060, 2061, and 2062






1430:  13.56 MHz contactless smart card that can be embedded with a contact smart chip module and enhanced with a magnetic stripe.

HID Proximity and MIFARE card

1431:  13.56 MHz MIFARE and 125kHz Proximity card that can be embedded with a contact smart chip module.


MIFARE 14443, Type A


ISO Proximity Cards

Philips Mifare S50, Ultralight

The blank white cards can be processed with common card printer. Slot punching, magnetic stripe and additional customized printing options are available. The dimension and tolerances are in accordance with ISO norm 7816-1, type ID-1.



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